Our unique biotech Expertise

Working with upcycled materials is not like anything else. We are scientists and technologists, but we feel like treasure-diggers with one single goal: revealing the full potential of the hidden gems thanks to upcyling.

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We believe that the best resources are the ones that already exist, and we obsess on finding unique and innovative ways to make them available to the world.


Bitter-Free Taste

Our journey started when we realized that one amazing resource with the potential to feed the world in a more sustainable way was being thrown away:
spent brewer’s yeast.

We have developed a unique bio-process that tackles the main challenge for yeast valorization in the human food chain: its bitterness.

We found a way to get rid of the bitter compounds coming from the brewing process without altering the yeast cells, thus maintaining all its nutritional marvels while revealing its full taste potential.

All of that with a minimal processing approach to bring cleaner products to you… and the planet.

Man brewing yeast to be used in Onima’s biotech process
team skills

Our passionated team
is here to help

We want to help you unleash the full potential of our super-ingredients directly in your products and recipes!
If you are an innovative Food company, our team composed of skilled biotechnologists, biochemists and food specialists is here to help you understand what our ingredients can do for you.
Or what new wonders we could be developing together for future applications in Petfood, Nutraceutics and even Cosmetics.

our partners

We have been working with outstanding technological partners from the start, to bring revolutionary upcycled ingredients to live.

engineering partners logourd abi logo
Onima (Ex Yeasty) Yellow and Purple Texture

Do you want to try a sample?

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